Project Description
Despite borders over the years, the Galicia region, including Lviv and Przemyśl, has developed its unique, multicultural, and distinctive character. However, various historical events, resettlements, deportations, the Iron Curtain, and the totalitarian system effectively eliminated cultural dialogue in this area. Nevertheless, national minorities remained in these two countries – the Polish minority in Ukraine, and the Ukrainian minority in Poland. These groups continue to cultivate their traditions, creating a cultural mosaic in the region and maintaining their national identity, although their activities may not be adequately highlighted and promoted. The aim of this project is to popularize the cultures of national minorities – Polish in Lviv and Ukrainian in Przemyśl – by establishing cultural centers for these minorities in both cities. These centers will focus on systematically promoting their cultures in the region. So far, the creation of long-term plans has not been possible mainly due to a lack of financial resources. For this reason, previous actions and their effects have been one-time and short-term; they had a local scope and involved only a small number of people. The result of the activities carried out in the cultural centers will be an increase in the cultural activity of national minorities, a change in the way they are perceived by the majority, and the attractiveness of the regions to tourists due to greater recognition of the regions as multicultural areas worth visiting for their historical and cultural heritage. In addition to partners and members of national minorities, the beneficiaries of the project will be the entire communities of the regions and countries (Poland and Ukraine). Especially the development of cultural tourism will bring widespread benefits. Visitors and other individuals exploring this area will be the main recipients of the project, as well as its natural 'ambassadors' in their home regions.
Project value: 2,556,112.90 Euro
The project value on the side of the Foundation ‘Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie im. Jana Olszewskiego – 28 700,00 Euro
Project partners: Foundation ‘Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie im. Jana Olszewskiego, Fundacja Dom Ukraiński w Przemyślu, CARITAS-SPES Lwowskiej Archidiecezji Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego, CARITAS-SPES Lwowskiej Archidiecezji Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego


The number of cross-border cultural events

The number of improved cultural and historical facilities as a direct consequence of support within the program.

The number of visitors to historical heritage and cultural sites.